April 20, 2010

Anywhere but here

A quick update: Fishing still sucks here. High water and seasonal stream closures have effectively kept me off of the productive waters. The closures won't be lifted until May 15, when most of the gamefish species are open to harvest. If stream conditions don't improve by then I'm gonna go postal. This early spring has really chunked things up bad. FML.

the Carpfather and his 25#
On the plus side, John Montana is still kicking ass. A 25 pounder last weekend; the smallest fish coming in at 14. A 30+ pounder was hooked by one of the group that trip, but not landed. Water is a bit cold yet, but the timing should be about close to perfect for when I arrive next week. I need to do some sumo wrestling.


  1. Man, when was the last time stream conditions up there DIDN'T suck? Seems like your only happy moments in the last year or more have come in Hobby Lobby or when playing with sausage.

  2. No foolin, the Otter Tail river watershed is the only one in the entire state still at flood stage. It has been stuck at flood stage since the fall of 2008.

    Link to MN streamflow map
