December 14, 2009

More scores

Now's the time to hit the craft stores and super centers for holiday decorating closeouts. Most of the stores I've been frequenting have their Christmas decorations on sale, much of it at 50% off. Like every other trip this season, random scores seem to be popping up at every visit, more reason to peruse each aisle and shelf every time. Unfortunately, the bulk of the seasonal inventory are "send-out" items, bought one time and are sent out directly to stores. Once locating a seasonal score, it is imperative you horde and liquidate the entire supply, lest you never find the item again.

copper shred
This copper mylar shred is the shiznit. It has just enough elasticity to not snap, crackle and pop off the hook shank when wrapped under moderate tension. Pieces range from flat copper to a wicked variegated pattern. This stuff will tie some nasty wrapped bodies and wing cases.

glitter magic loops
fiber optic
I picked up more Magic Loops in glitter. The colors are different from the standard tubes and are translucent. What's even more tits is the fact that the pink, orange, and green tubes have fiber optic properties. Talk about a hot spot.

needloft craft cord
Needloft craft cord. Traditionally this stuff came in 10 yard skeins at $0.79 at the craft store. I found 20 yard cards of this stuff at Wally-world for $0.97. The price is right bitch.

micro tinsel
Micro tinsel. We're looking at about a 1/32" width. This stuff retails for a buck and was marked down 50%. Tie in as wings with a bunch of craft fur or superhair and you'll have those esocids drooling.

purple flash
At a dollar, this bow was definitely not a bargain, but it found it's way in to my cart because it was purple. I haven't found purple flash anywhere and this will compliment the pink and blue shred I picked up earlier this month, and my other stash of pearl shred. Peel the tape off the outer wrap of flash and you can unravel the entire bow into one long strip. This purple flash has a poppin' UV look to it and will make some nice wing cases and wrapped soft hackle bodies.

christmas shred
$2 bones a bag plus half off. Can't beat a buck for two ounces of shred. Not quite sure what I'll do with the magenta colored mylar, but the candy apple green gives me blue steel. Caddis, caddis, caddis. This will also make some cool mayfly nymph patterns as well. I like this hot new color for Christmas and wish it sticks around for a few years. Hopefully there will be some cool shit entering the market in this hue.

Get plundering.

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1 comment:

  1. I have this impression of half the little kids in Minnesota getting unwrapped Xmas gifts due to your slurping the entire wrapping, bow, and mylar department.

    Think of all them tears running down swollen little cheeks ... how could you?
