December 1, 2008

the brownline 2008.12.01

  • Recent habitat work performed on the Turtle River last month, by the roughfisher and fellow coworkers. In addition to walleyes, this should also allow for spawning fish passage of "other" important fish species, like white suckers and shorthead redhorse.

    Your tax dollars hard at work.

  • The inaugural meeting of the Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council convenes today, Decemeber 1, 2008. The council is charged with the responsibility of providing annual appropriation recommendations to the Minnesota Legislature from the Outdoor Heritage Fund, created by the Nov. 4 passing of the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. The amendment increased the state sales tax by three-eighths percent, approximately one-third of which is dedicated to the Outdoor Heritage Fund. Let's keep our fingers crossed that these guys can keep politics out of their discretion.

    Possibly your taxes dollars not hard at work.

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