July 28, 2009

llama redux

A follow up to my May score of llama hair. I had monkeyed around with some dubbing blends right away and tied up a few patterns. Of course, my summer workload increased and with my trip to Maine looming at the end of the month, I quickly put the llama dubbing aside and forgot about it. Enter July.

llama nymphs
The initial dubbing blend consisted of some Angelina and straight llama hair. The hair naturally consisted of shorter underfur and coarser guard hairs, providing for a good mix of fibers. I think on the next go 'round, I'm gonna add some filler to the mix like some muskrat or hare underfur to add a bit more bulk. I may even opt for the synthetic route, and add some antron or it's acrylic substitute.

peacock llama nymph
pearl llama nymph
red llama nymph
brown llama nymph
Llama dubbed body, 28 gauge gold wire rib, glimmer chenille thorax, copper/tungsten bead head. Bottom rollers.

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  1. I noticed you like that big wire, are you using it as much for weight as structural integrity - or do those Minnesota fish have the ability to shred the small diameter stuff?

    Most of mine is 34 and 36 gauge, just curious what phenomenon makes you tend towards the heavier stuff.

  2. weight, integrity, and availability. harder to find the smaller stuff, but frankly, I don't want to use it. Is there something I'm missing out on?

  3. hair from an "ugly" mammal catching "ugly" fish... seems strangely appropriate ;)
