March 21, 2009

the Brownline Nation

Propaganda courtesy of Brownline Ambassador Alex Landeen

The unanimous Declaration of the eight united Nations of Brown

Adrienne Comeau - Spey Angel
April Vokey - Flygal
Alex Landeen - Fat Guy Alex
Hannah Belford - FLYFishergirl
Jean-Paul Lipton - the roughfisher
k8 Taylor - Rogue Angel
Keith Barton - Singlebarbed
Pete McDonald - Fishing Jones

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our flies, our tippet, and our sacred Honor.

Welcome to the New World of fly fishing.

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  1. Nice one guys almost converted. Just have to take my baptismal dunk.

  2. Honor too? I was hoping for a handful of flies and a free meal. I lingered when I saw the leather trenchcoats and sunglasses.

  3. as always, dirtyyy lookin logo. Don't think i'll even get much of a chance to do some brownlining in Maine..maybe when I move away from the North, if that ever happens! Good stuff though, the coalition gets stronger!

  4. @Ben you can still brownline in Maine, you just need to expand your range of thinking. Cusk, suckers, creek chubs, fallfish, shiners, they are all non traditional species that can be pursued on a fly rod. Since cusk tend to live deep in lakes, they can be difficult to catch during the summer, but there is a good opportunity to catch them in rivers when they make their spawning run in late fall/early winter.

    You guys have longnose suckers. They are badass suckers. They look like a half sturgeon/half sucker. Nab one of those fish this spring on the fly, and I'll dub you a brownliner.

  5. Good guys all do great work!

  6. This so rocks! I've got miles and miles and miles of crappy water to choose from here in Abbotsford, BC -- from the farm runoff to the ecoli enriched pond down the street.. DUDEs, YOU'VE INSPIRED ME TO GO BROWN!

  7. Brown is beautiful.

  8. When are the shirts coming out? I want one. Maybe we should start a brownlining softball league. Scratch that....Ya'll drink too much.
