February 27, 2009

sparkle sparkle

As promised in an earlier post, here's the dirt on the caddis nymph pattern that put me on to some fish the other day. The sparkle yarn caddis:

sparkle yarn caddis
A simple pattern really; a beadhead, a dubbed body made from a custom blend of green sparkle yarn and short crimp aurora Angelina fibers, gold wire rib, partridge soft hackle legs/antennae, and a peacock glimmer flash chenille thorax. I tied this pattern on several different styles of hook, knowing that the hook bend and gape can present this fly in several different styles.

The hook styles were a 2X heavy scud hook, a small forged stainless salt hook (o'shaugnessy), a 2X heavy curved wire caddis/hopper nymph hook, and a 2X heavy egg hook. I liked the presentation of the egg hook the best, and the wide gape should allow for easier hookups and a deeper hook penetration.

I tied a variation with just wrapping the sparkle yarn on the hook. While it gives a more distinct profile to the pattern, I prefer the Angelina/Yarn dubbing blend. The Angelina should provide that extra bump that, when added to the teased out yarn, will mimis a trapped gas bubble, much like antron yarn does on a sparkle pupa pattern.

Fish on!

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  1. Looks great. Can't wait to tie a few up and try em up here.

  2. look like a sparkle pupa I tie - tasty tasty
