February 5, 2009

the brownline 2009.02.05

  • At odds over how to balance the budget, Minnesotan outdoor advocates are worried that proposed general fund spending cuts for the outdoors by the Governor are against conservation amendment rules. Readers backlash with snide comments; fail to comprehend the amendment language that specifies amendment revenues cannot be used to substitute for traditional funding sources.

    Does no one care about the environment anymore?
  • U study: Corn ethanol no better than gas. Really? It doesn't take a freaking genius to figure that one out. Corn fuel = bad for environment. It doesn't make sense any to divert a food crop into an energy source.

    Let's invest in a more economically and environmentally feasible and sustainable fuel source, as well as developing more eco-friendly vehicles.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree totally on both points. Corn powered ethanol is a totally bad idea. Pawlenty for President in 2012? Not!
