November 16, 2009


beaver haven
coldwater swamp
Even though I had a laundry list of chores planned for the day, I couldn't pass over a rare sunny afternoon in mid-November with temps rising into the low 40s. Priorities. I grabbed the little roughfisherette and headed outdoors. We hit the hills and headed down to a local coldwater stream. Frost still held tightly to the ground in shaded areas, seeking refuge from the weak Fall sun. The kid played with sticks and followed the roughfisher around like a shadow. I made the afternoon constructive and conducted some recon for next spring's sucker run.

northern caddis case
I found a few good lies where fish will hold during their spawning run and a ton of snags that would break me off in a heartbeart if ever I hooked up with a fish in there. Line control and playing a fish fast will be key. I discovered a bunch of cases from the Limnephilidae Family, or northern caddis flies. I haven't noticed this particular style of case, mainly consisting of cut leaves and woody debris, in many of the area streams I fish. I typically encounter the tubular or rock/pebble style of caddis case. After doing a little reading, it looks like these species of caddis like to hang in swampy areas, likely why I haven't observed these nymphs in the faster reaches of water I usually fish.

Looks like another item to add to the winter tying list.

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