March 29, 2011

The Worm Has Turned

The Armored Car San Juan Worm is always a killer, no matter where, when, and what species you fish it to. Red was the principle color variation, based off of the original San Juan Worm pattern, but in the course of fishing for carp, claret, or wine colored chenille curries much favor with the cyprinids. Not exactly sure why, but claret just works. The wine colored chenille consistently outfishes the red version in overwhelming fashion.

Just ask John Montana.

Armored Car -- Claret
I long opined for tying up an Armored Car SJW in claret, the only hold up was finding a wire that was suitable in color to match the wine colored ultra chenille. It was recently relayed to me that there is a Wine colored Ultra Wire available in Medium, however, it is not carried in stock in any of the establishments that I frequent. Same goes for the craft store circuit; the only wine colored wire typically available were wire in sizes 8 through 20 gauge, perhaps even a 26, much too big for what I need. I suppose I could order some of the Ultra Wire, but being much too cheap to drop a few bones on a measly 7 yards of wire, I opted for an online source with over four times the wire for the same price.

Armored Car -- Claret
The results are spectacular: the magenta colored wire is a near exact match. The flies speak for themselves.
I think I finally unleashed the perfect carp weapon, for now....


  1. Jean-Paul, gave you a shout out on my recent blog post at

    Thanks for the the inspiration!

  2. These are killer on carp. I bought several from you a few years back and slayed the carp with them. I fished the flies to exhaustion and have since been tying my own and been doing great.


  3. Wow, you are just brilliantly trying to fool the poor fishes that will be trapped easily in this way.
