September 8, 2009


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The roughfisher has been grabbing some headlines as of late, thanks in part to a late night fly tying session, mostly inspired by inhaling too many fumes from the head cement. When I half heartedly whipped up a batch of zebra mussel imitations, little did I know that I would be gathering attention from the watchful eye of the media and governmental agencies. Well, maybe not so much the government part. End Transmission.

Billings, Montana Gazzette, Outdoors feature article:
Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers, ANS Task Force, News:What's Hot:

Used to the sounds of Blackhawk choppers circling overhead the Roughfisher Command Post, long sessions spent at the vise bordering the reaches of sanity aren't far from the norm. What started as a whimsical reply to an idea inspired from a fellow hardcore brownliner, ended up as something more significant and far reaching than was ever intended. In case you missed it, the original zebra mussel fly post.

Two nuggets of advice to pass along from the roughfisher:
  • They are always watching. Keep it zipped up.
  • Collect the money before taking off your clothes and the camera starts rolling.


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  1. First cops, now this? You a star, son!

  2. Didn't I see you on Oprah too? The Roadfisher was it?

  3. It was Dr. Phil, and it's the "Rogue" fisher.
