Why freshwater drum aren't targeted more with a fly rod I'll never know. They can be aggressive, elusive, selective and can reach sizes over 50 pounds. They've even been dubbed the Great Lakes Permit. And if their saltwater cousin the redfish can be so popular among anglers, why not the drum? Seems to me like a perfect challenge for the fly angler.

An interesting tidbit about freshwater drum is the fact that they have large otoliths, often in excess of an inch in diameter. The otoliths assist drum with their vertical orientation in turbid water. These otoliths have been utilized for a variety of uses including jewelry, good luck charms, and even currency.

The freshwater drum is a fish of many names: sheephead, sheepshead, grunter, grunt, silver bass, gray bass, silver perch, shepherd's pie, "perch", silver bass, gray bass,Gasper goo, Gaspergou, gou, grinder, wuss fish, thunderpumper, bubbler, and croaker. I just call them fun.
I like wool.