There may be hope for 2011 yet. Despite the rain falling from the sky as I type this, a two week dry spell in the region (somewhat of a rare occurrence as of late) has allowed many of the tributaries of the Otter Tail and Red Rivers to finally begin to fall. While nowhere near as low as normal for this time of year, flows are starting to finally approach wadeable and fishable levels,
nearly four months after the start of spring runoff. Insane. With rivers finally back within their banks, hopefully these lower flows will start to congregate fish and bring them off of the floodplains and onto their normal flats and other haunts. Lower flows will weaken the strong currents allowing a fly to drift more freely to fish holding in deep pools anr runs without the added burden of excess tungsten and lead. This should give the advantage back to the fly angler.
Who knows how long this will last. Time to get back on the saddle.
There may be hope for you on the OT this fall, but it's fading for me. Just as the levels look to be dropping so was I --- falling off a ladder and fracturing my wrist and elbow. Sorry state of affairs, with titanium plates, screws, splints, etc. and all of my never-wet carp flies staring up at me. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I'll look forward to your posts and pics. Sigh.....